Funding infrastructure development essential for inclusive growth in Africa
The World Economic Forum for Africa, currently taking place in Cape Town, South Africa focuses on the theme of shaping inclusive growth and shared...
Public Procurement in Tanzania
By Sadock D Magai, Managing Partner and Burure Ngocho, Partner, Immma Advocates
Legislative framework
Relevant legislationWhat is the relevant legislation regulating the award of public contracts?
Resource Governance Index: From Legal Reform to Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa
This report explores common resource governance successes and challenges in sub-Saharan Africa, taking advantage of the rich dataset and wealth of evidence documentation provided...
Egypt: The Legal Landscape
By Mahmoud S Bassiouny and Kholoud Hafez, Matouk Bassiouny
Country overview
1 Give an overview of the country’s economy, its structure and main characteristics, and prevailing government economic...